Watch this Youtube video tutorial: "How to create a SKEDit Broadcast List - SKEDit WhatsApp Scheduling App Features"
I - New Feature: Create Recipient Groups & Select Multiple Recipients With 1 Click
You can now create WhatsApp recipient groups in SKEDit so that you don't have to select all the recipients again every time. When you click on WhatsApp to schedule, you will notice a "blue groups icon" in the "To" field, click on it and you will be taken to create SKEDit groups containing any type of WhatsApp recipient: individual contact, groups, and broadcast lists. Once you finish creating it, you simply click on it and it will automatically fill all the recipients in the "to" field.
II - 2,000 Contact Scheduling: Using WhatsApp Broadcast Lists and SKEDit Recipient Groups
1. Create WhatsApp broadcast lists inside WhatsApp
2. Add in this broadcast list all the individuals you want to send messages to
3. if the number of people you want to send to is more than the limit per broadcast list (limit is 256 contacts on WhatsApp), then just create a new broadcast list and repeat the process (so for 2,000 contacts, you need to create ~8 lists)
4. Then in SKEDit, select and schedule to these 8 broadcast lists, so in the end, the message is sent to all 2000 contacts
5. You can create a group in SKEDit and add these 8 broadcast lists to it, so next time you want to send a message to these 2,000 contacts you just select this group 1 time, instead of having to add the 8 broadcast lists again every time.
III - Multiple recipient scheduling - Implications:
The more recipients you add, the more time it will take when the sending actually happened, as it will still have to select each recipient one by one. It will be done, but it will take more time - you just need to be careful that there are no other WhatsApp messages scheduled close to the time of this sending. Here are some estimates on the duration of sending from start till the status notification is received (affected also by device performance):
// 10 recipients: ~35-45 seconds
// 15 recipients: ~50-60 seconds
Hope this was helpful - if you have any feedback, please let us know. Happy scheduling!
Sri my whatsapp scheduler use but automatically accessiblelity option off my message not sent
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