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Broadcast list failing reason is that skedit searchs contact screen where it won't find the broadcast list.



  • Official comment
    SKEDit Support Team

    Hi Dear,


    Thank you for contacting SKEDit's Customer Success Team.


    Due to recent changes in WhatsApp's latest version, users can no longer forward a message to a Broadcast List. If you go to the WhatsApp app and you try to forward any message from within the app itself, you will notice that you are not able to find that list for selection.


    This update has impacted in SKEDit's automation to Broadcast Lists and SKEDit groups containing a Broadcast List as a recipient. Our team is investigating the issue further; we will surely update if anything changes from WhatsApp's side. Unfortunately, right now, there is no way anymore to schedule a message to a Broadcast List.


    A workaround solution is to use SKEDit Groups. You can create a SKEDit Group and add to it all the recipients that you wish to message at once. The recipients of a SKEDit group can be either single contacts or WhatsApp groups. Note that, with SKEDit Groups a drawback of SKEDit groups is that messaging 256 contacts takes more time than using a Broadcast List.


    We appreciate your understanding,

    Customer Success Team.

  • Juan Pablo Marichal

    I'm having this same problem right now and this makes Skedit useless for me. I hope you'll fix it pretty soon.

  • Pedro Cárnicas Malagueñas

    Same problem. I have broadcast list and it is not fund as "contact". We need to fix it soon. now i can only send 1by1 message ant it takes like ours for my 200 contacts. Please please pleassssse

  • Pedro Cárnicas Malagueñas

    I did all steps. But i do have whatsappbusiness so... what can i do?

  • Equipe GameGratis

    Same Problem. This is happening because WhatsApp was updated and broadcast lists will not be found anymore with the way Skedit works.

    Skedit needs to change the way of sending messages to broadcast lists.. 

    We really need this for yesterday, every day is like hell without this function. I believe a lot of people here would pay for this service, if needed.

  • Ramesh Yadav

    I am using macdroid now. It works perfectly and is free. If you need I can share the macro with you people. If interested.

  • Equipe GameGratis

    Nice! If you could send, I appreciate it! Email:

  • Pedro Cárnicas Malagueñas

    Please send to also. Thx a lot

  • Ramesh Yadav


    And then download and Install this macro


    You can schedule the time and day in the first action.

    For any help please message here.

  • Equipe GameGratis

    yep me too

  • Juan Pablo Marichal

    Says the macro "transference" is not available anymore

  • Jesus Salvador

    The transfer Is not bailable, could you help me???
    Could you send me the macro to muy mailadress:
    Thanks a lot.


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