Random pic send for each day
ตอบแล้วPls add feature random pic send... That i choose from Pic gallery ... The idea is that same goodMorning pic is not send every day.... Its send randomly' for intense 1image is send 1 day ans 2image send 2 day...
Hello Nipun, apologies for the late reply, and thank you so much for the feedback. The feature you are asking for is actually quite complicated and requires significant R&D, not to say that it wouldn’t be cool though :D we have a section in our expansion plan on “automation activities” that includes cases requiring advanced custom automations and see what is possible and what is not. I have incoudrd yours in that one. Things should be more clear in the next 2-3months.
Many thanks again!
Dude you did not add this feature instead you add useless feature that is buisness... Pls me waiting for This feature
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