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India has a new WhatsApp update: Solution to forwarding limit




  • Official comment
    SKEDit Support Team

    Hello Hussain, many thanks for reaching out. Indeed, the limit is currently 20 for the world and 5 for india. To reduce the impact of this broadcast lists within WhatsApp should be leveraged as much as much as possible, as each can contain 256 individual contacts while itself is considered as 1 recipient when sending.

    That said, we are actually working on exactly what you suggested as we speak: in case the number of selected recipients is larger than the limit, then instead of sending to all at once, it will send in sets of 5 (or 20) and repeat the automation process untill all selected recipients receive the content successfully. Will keep you updated :)

  • SKEDit Support Team

    Hello Hussain, just wanted to let you know that this is done and rolled out in the new update v2.8.8 - let us know if you have any feedback, thanks!

  • googl MBM


  • Hussain Tin

    Hello Hass,
    Thank you for such an early info. I like your effort and your app as well. Will be looking forward to the update. Thanks a lot.

  • SKEDit Support Team

    You are most welcome! And thank you so much for the kind words :)

  • Hussain Tin

    Hello Hass K,
    I have tested the feature and it's working great. Thanks again for the amazing update. 👍🏼

  • Sahil Gogna

    Hi Hass K,

    This is indeed a great app. I have been using it for quite a while now.

    I wanted to know if is there any limitation on the maximum number of users to which we can send the message. Considering the fact that the app will send messages to five contacts at a time.

    For my use Case I am not using Whatsapp Broadcast lists and have created 5 Skedit groups of 200 contacts each. I am sending messages to all the groups in one go.

  • SKEDit Support Team

    Hello Sahil, the app will continue sending/repeating the process 5 at a time until all receive it. This will just require the time it needs to repeat the process, no limit from our side. FYI: in case there is an issue with one recipient (for example the first 15 letters are exactly the same as another group) it will not send to that recipient, and might tell you after finishing the “message has failed”, although it would have failed to that recipient only.

    We are continuously working to improve this process, as there is nothing out there that allows us to enable it in an easy way from a technical point of view- we have to do a lot of R&D on workarounds and thinking outside the box :) don’t believe there is any other app out there that does something even close to this :)


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